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Test reports: our QOOL world

Here you will find exciting tests with the QOOL Box and you can read stories what our customers experiences with their box are.

Ein Norwegen-Abenteuer mit Happy End
Field report

Ein Norwegen-Abenteuer mit Happy End

Wie die QOOL Box Rolands Fang bewahrte
Performance Box für Performance Sportler - Espresso Running Club
Field report

Performance Box für Performance Sportler - Espresso Running Club

QOOL unterstützt den Espresso Running Club in Würzburg.
ARD Beitrag mit QOOL Athletin Laura Zimmermann
Field report

ARD Beitrag mit QOOL Athletin Laura Zimmermann

Mein Körper. Meine Wohlfühltemperatur. Wie kann ich Hitze aushalten?
QOOL supported Bottle Claus at the Race Across America 2024
Field report

QOOL supported Bottle Claus at the Race Across America 2024

Das legendäre Event Race Across America (RAAM) ist in vollem Gange, und wir sind stolz, dabei einen besonderen Athleten zu unterstützen: Claus Henning Schulke, besser bekannt als „Bottle Claus“.
Test report


The cooling miracle for every angler. Find out why the QOOL Box is the perfect companion for your next fishing trip.
Gassi-Guide: Kalt ohne Strom - Die passive Kühlbox von QOOL
Field report

Gassi-Guide: Kalt ohne Strom - Die passive Kühlbox von QOOL

Was tun, wenn man unterwegs ist und das Hundefutter ohne Strom kalt, sogar tiefgekühlt bleiben muss? Die QOOL Kühlbox bleibt ohne Stromanschluss wochenlang kalt oder sogar tiefgekühlt, perfekt für Hundehalter, die barfen, oder für Campingliebhaber, die auch unterwegs auf TK-Ware nicht verzichten wollen.
The QOOL Box in the Supercheck
Field report

The QOOL Box in the Supercheck

For our three-week trip to Greece by motorhome, we were provided with a passive cooler by QOOL. We tested it extensively during the trip and are completely thrilled.
QOOL Box as a reliable companion in hot Rwanda 
Field report

QOOL Box as a reliable companion in hot Rwanda 

The Rwandan Epic mountain bike race in Rwanda, Africa, is one of my favorite stages. The race went over several days and the QOOL boxes stood in the blazing sun at over
The Eco + QOOL Box at the Ironman World Cup
Field report

The Eco + QOOL Box at the Ironman World Cup

Ironman 2022 took place in no man's land, as there were only mountains and desert and no civilization to be seen far and wide. That's why I'm very glad that QOOL has made their passive
QOOL Box at “Gold Rush in Australia”
Field report

QOOL Box at “Gold Rush in Australia”

They are back! Mats and Andreas are digging for gold again and this time even the QOOL Box is with them.
The off-grid cooling powerhouse
Field report

The off-grid cooling powerhouse

The QOOL Box is like a range extender for our off-grid "Fish & Surf" trips along the coasts of Europe. We no longer want to miss the opportunity to preserve the freshly caught fish for the trip home.
Through the Scottish Highlands with wind and weather
Field report

Through the Scottish Highlands with wind and weather

At the end of last year, we were on the road for three weeks in Scotland with our SUV, roof tent and dog. During our travels, we love to be as self-sufficient as possible. For this we take the mostly
QOOL days in Italy
Field report

QOOL days in Italy

The QOOL® Box was perfect for our long mountain bike weekend at Kronplatz. With over 35 °C outside temperature, we were glad to have cold drinks again and again throughout the days...
The best cooler I ever had
Field report

The best cooler I ever had

Finally finding some peace and quiet and switching off. That's what I thought when I booked a trip to Sweden with my girlfriend this year...
The perfect training partner

The perfect training partner

My name is Leonie and I am a long-distance swimmer for SV Würzburg 05. For training camps and competitions, I travel around the world with my team. Especially when we are in hot regions I like to get a refreshing hydration from the