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Test reports

Extreme use, real conditions

Test reports – How does our cooler box perform?

In these test reports we show how the QOOL Box performs under extreme conditions. It was tested under various scenarios - with surprising results.

Performance Test 2024

Performance Test 2024

Conclusion of the big QOOL performance test: 20 days of ice – an incredible result! After an exciting and intensive performance test, it is official: Our QOOL cool boxes have exceeded expect...

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Camping Buddies empfiehlt die QOOL Kühlbox für Abenteuer in der Natur

Camping Buddies recommends the QOOL cooler for adventures in nature

Camping season is in full swing and there is nothing better than spending time with friends and family in nature. A well-equipped cooler plays a crucial role in keeping food and drinks fresh and co...

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beiboot TV

Beiboot TV

beiboot TV shows how the QOOL cooler is tested for boat owners – completely without electricity, but with maximum freshness for food, drinks and the catch!

Read more - Angeln mit Dachzelt - Fishing with a roof tent

A Scandinavian fishing trip with a roof tent presents anglers with a new challenge: How do you keep the fish you've caught frozen for days? In the past, Henning from used a St...

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Norwegen-Magazin: DAS KÜHLWUNDER


The QOOL Box Eco+ L is more than just a cooler. It's an essential product for anyone looking for a reliable cooling solution that works for days – even without power. But how well does it really wo...

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Olivers Reisen

Olivers Reisen

Oliver's Travels shows how the QOOL cooler independently cools drinks and food in a 7-day endurance test – completely without electricity! Does it deliver what it promises? Find out!

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Gassi-Guide: Kalt ohne Strom - Die passive Kühlbox von QOOL

Walking Guide: Cold without electricity - The passive cool box from QOOL

What do you do when you're out and about and the dog food needs to stay cold, even frozen, without electricity? We were impressed by the QOOL® cool box, which we tested while camping. Everythi...

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Stolzer Gewinner von 2 renommierten Auszeichnungen

Proud winner of 2 prestigious awards

The German Innovation Award, an annual event organized by the German Design Council, initiated by the German Bundestag and funded by German industry, celebrates its 70th anniversary this year. Wit...

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QOOL - bis zu 7 Tage kühlen ohne Strom?

QOOL - cool for up to 7 days without electricity?

We seem to be in the middle of testing fever, and that's a good thing! Because only through extensive testing can we give you the results, inform you about what works, how it works and where there...

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Trail Addicts: 10 Tage kalt ohne Strom – Die ultimative Kühlbox im Test

Trail Addicts: 10 days cold without electricity – The ultimate cooler box in the test

Whatever the multi-day MTB adventure looks like, if you are without electricity for more than 2 days, you will undoubtedly be familiar with this problem: how do you keep your perishables (and beer)...

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ntv: Diese Kühlbox will Camping revolutionieren

ntv: This cooler wants to revolutionize camping

If you don't want to go without chilled food and drinks when camping in the wilderness or at a festival, the Qool Box is the ideal solution. It should be able to keep contents fresh for days withou...

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QOOL Box gewinnt Editor's Choice Award

QOOL Box wins Editor's Choice Award

QOOLs are currently the most powerful passive coolers available. This is a win for me, as we camp in places without electricity. Click here for the full review. Boris Gnielka (Outdoor Magazine)

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