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To know

How does the cooler work?

Our cooling technology cannot be compared to other cool boxes. If you combine the QOOL Box with the QOOL Temperature Elements, the temperature inside can be kept constant for many days - without a power supply, in any climate zone, all over the world.

The QOOL Box achieves its outstanding thermal insulation performance through vacuum insulation panels that are installed on all sides of the box, in the lid and also in the base.

Temperatur Elements M Cool

The QOOL Temperature Elements contain so-called phase change material and can absorb or release energy at a certain temperature.

QOOL Box M + Temperature Elements Cool

If you combine the QOOL Box with the QOOL Temperature Elements, the temperature inside can be kept constant for many days.

Here you can learn more about how the technology of our QOOL products works

test reports

Performance Test 2024

Performance Test 2024

Conclusion of the big QOOL performance test: 20 days of ice – an incredible result! After an exciting and intensive performance test, it is official: Our QOOL cool boxes have exceeded expect...

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Camping Buddies empfiehlt die QOOL Kühlbox für Abenteuer in der Natur

Camping Buddies recommends the QOOL cooler for adventures in nature

Camping season is in full swing and there is nothing better than spending time with friends and family in nature. A well-equipped cooler plays a crucial role in keeping food and drinks fresh and co...

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beiboot TV

Beiboot TV

beiboot TV shows how the QOOL cooler is tested for boat owners – completely without electricity, but with maximum freshness for food, drinks and the catch!

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Tips & Tricks

Wie reinige ich meine Kühlbox richtig?

How do I clean my cooler properly?

This is how you keep your QOOL box hygienically clean! In this video, we show you the best tips for properly cleaning and caring for your QOOL cooler – simple, quick, and effective.

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Wie kühle ich die Temperature Elements richtig vor?

How do I pre-cool the Temperature Elements?

This is the best way to cool your QOOL Box! In this video, we show you how to properly pre-cool the QOOL Temperature Elements to achieve maximum cooling performance.

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Kochen mit der QOOL Box

Cooking with the QOOL Box

Slow cooking in the QOOL Box – tender meat without electricity! In this video, we show you how to use the QOOL Cool Box for low-temperature cooking and gently prepare meat to perfection.

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