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Extreme use, real conditions

QOOL Box in the endurance test – How does our cool box perform?

Get to know our QOOL community: Real people, real adventures – and always with you: the QOOL Box as an indispensable companion.

Die QOOL Box im Fokus des YACHT Magazins

The QOOL Box in the focus of YACHT Magazine

YACHT Magazine, Europe's leading sailing magazine, tested the revolutionary QOOL box and highlighted its strengths. The cool box, which runs without electricity, uses state-of-the-art vacuum insul...

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Mit dem Porsche 968 und Dachzelt durch Cornwall – Ein Abenteuer auf vier Rädern

With the Porsche 968 and roof tent through Cornwall – An adventure on four wheels

When it comes to classic car travel, the Porsche 968 is certainly not the first choice for a road trip with a roof tent. But that's exactly what makes it so appealing: a 31-year-old Porsche 968, l...

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Ein Norwegen-Abenteuer mit Happy End: Wie die QOOL Box Rolands Fang bewahrte

A Norwegian adventure with a happy ending: How the QOOL Box preserved Roland's catch

Roland Brossel, chairman of the Norway Fishing Special Group, has more than 34,000 members who share his passion for fishing in the cold, clear waters of Norway. His trips to Scandinavia are legend...

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QOOL unterstützt Bottle Claus beim RAAM 2024

QOOL supports Bottle Claus at RAAM 2024

Dear QOOLmunity, we have exciting news for you! The legendary Race Across America (RAAM) event is in full swing, and we are proud to support a special athlete: Claus Henning Schulke, better known...

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Performance Box für Performance Sportler - Espresso Running Club

Performance Box for Performance Athletes - Espresso Running Club

We at QOOL Hightech Cool Boxes are delighted to support the dynamic Espresso Running Club in Würzburg as they prepare for a big run. The Espresso Running Club is an up-and-coming community of hobb...

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ARD Beitrag mit QOOL Athletin Laura Zimmermann

ARD report with QOOL athlete Laura Zimmermann

We are pleased to draw your attention to a new video from ARD that deals with a topic that affects us all: "My body. My comfortable temperature. How can I stand the heat?" Our QOOL athlete Laura Z...

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QOOL Box als zuverlässiger Wegbegleiter im heißen Ruanda 

QOOL Box as a reliable companion in hot Rwanda

The mountain bike race "Rwandan Epic" in Rwanda, Africa, is one of my favorite stages. The stage lengths were between 120 and 160 kilometers and 90 riders from 18 teams started. A real challenge. ...

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Roadsurfer - Ab in die Wildnis - Wie geht autarkes Camping?

Roadsurfer - Off into the wilderness - How does self-sufficient camping work?

Self-sufficient camping is becoming increasingly popular and even though wild camping is not allowed in Germany, there are still plenty of opportunities for you to enjoy nature while camping away f...

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Abenteuer in den schottischen Highlands: Mit Geländewagen, Dachzelt und der QOOL Box autark unterwegs

Adventure in the Scottish Highlands: Self-sufficient travel with an off-road vehicle, roof tent and the QOOL Box

At the end of last year we set off on a great adventure: three weeks with our off-road vehicle, roof tent and our faithful companion, the dog, through the impressive Scottish Highlands. For us, tra...

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Off-Grid "Fish & Surf"-Trips entlang der Küsten Europas

Off-Grid "Fish & Surf" trips along the coasts of Europe

The QOOL Box has revolutionized our camper life - it is the perfect "range extender" for our off-grid "Fish & Surf" trips along the breathtaking coasts of Europe. For us, there is nothing bett...

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Die QOOL Box im Supercheck

The QOOL Box in Supercheck

For our three-week trip to Greece in our motorhome, QOOL provided us with a passive cooler. We tested it extensively during the trip and were absolutely thrilled. Since our trip was very lo...

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QOOL Box zu Gast bei “Goldrausch in Australien"

QOOL Box guest at “Gold Rush in Australia"

They're back! Mats and Andreas are digging for gold again. Starting today (March 30), new episodes of Gold Rush in Australia are available! Whether it's chaos Down Under or action at home, the best...

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